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Meet the Administration
These are the cooperatives" anchors. The people that inspired this place to exist, brought it to life, and keep it going for all of us.

Founding Administrative Member
Raven Carswell
Raven settled in Cocke County Tennessee in 1999. She spent her youth traveling and living in many different states across the nation constantly immersed in a wide variety of art and culture. Whether she was learning native beading techniques in Montana, sculpting in Hawaii, or experiencing the mixed media altered art created in Louisiana's French quarter she has always believed the best way to learn is hands on.
Those experiences and techniques can be seen in the multifaceted art she creates today. Her passion is finding ways to combine art and functionality. Raven works in a variety of mediums and is always eager to develop new skills to expand her creativity. She hopes to offer similar opportunities for other artists to learn from one another at the Thriving Artist Co-op in downtown Newport Tn.

Administrative Member
S. G. Hurley
S. G. Hurley is a native of the Great Smoky Mnts. In east Tn. The beauty, spirit and culture of the region has always had a strong influence on her creativity and is reflected often in her works. She is self taught. Stella has designed sculptures to be used as yard ornimates, taught art classes and produced many works for others in various mediums. She uses acrylics primarily yet also works with oils, pastels, pencils, and other mediums. She is passionate about art and enjoys learning and sharing new skills, working with others encouraging creativity and everything art related. Stella is very spiritual with a deep connection to nature. She loves to show the spirit of her subjects therefore some of her works have images hidden within them. She states, “I like for people to realize that there is often more than what is obvious if you really look.”

Administrative Member
Gigi Twig
BIO coming soon!

Administrative Member
Deborah Bahr
Deborah Bahr is director of CWEET, cweet.org, and acts as administrator for Thriving Artist Coop. Her extensive work as a business owner, community organizer and working artist add to the skill set of the other administrators. CWEET acts as a fiscal sponsor for grants to help the Coop grow and prosper. Deborah has worked with Southern Solidarity Economies, United for a Fair Economy, Humans Being Corporation, Statewide Organizing for Community eMpowerment. She has served as Chair of the Community Economic Development Network and on the board of directors for numerous non profits and community groups. CWEET recently worked to bring the economic creative design curriculum, AIR Collaborative, to Cocke County holding workshops at the Thriving Artist Coop. This has led to a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission for Routes to the River Festival May 4th, 2024

Administrative Member
Kris Shearer
BIO coming soon!

Administrative Member
Courtney Shayne Leavy
BIO coming soon!

Administrative Member
Miranda Lott
Miranda joined the Co-op as technical and digital administration. She has served the co-op by building the initial website and continues to maintain it while providing other digital services as needed. In the past, she has taught 5-8th grade science and STEM for 10 years. She really enjoys outdoor activities and community involvement.

Administrative Member
Janet Lewis
BIO coming soon!

Contributing Support Member
Nancy Rhodes
BIO coming soon!